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Our Pro 5-Step Complete Skincare Regimen

durch Angie Irish 20 Sep 2021
Our Pro 5-Step Complete Skincare Regimen - OZNaturals

While cleansing and moisturizing are super important steps, never underestimate the positive effects from taking it a few steps further to achieve truly amazing, glow-worthy skin.  While there’s no need for a 10+ step program, I always advise my clients to follow this basic 5 step routine to take their skin to the next level:

  1. Cleanse: Using a gentle cleanser that contains skin-loving ingredients is key to breaking down the grime, oil and makeup barrier you’ve accumulated throughout the day and night.
  2. Exfoliate: Cleansing is key but exfoliating those dead skin cells is crucial.  Accumulation of dead cells creates a glue-like substance in the outer layers which acts as a barrier, making your skin dull and lifeless.  Removing this crusty exterior not only gives you back your skin glow, it also paves the way so your other skincare products work more effectively.
  3. Tone:  Not all toners are created equal, but one that contains high level key ingredients will certainly make a difference.  A great toner does not contain alcohol, but instead adds a light layer of nutrition for the skin, balancing the pH and protecting the barrier function of the skin throughout the day.
  4.  Serums: They’re super popular now, and for good reason…they work hard.  There’s a serum formulated for every skin concern and when used daily you can see some major changes.  Whether it’s dark spots, acne, rosacea, or even light scarring you can find a well-formulated, powerful serum to help treat most major skin concerns.  Consistency is the key with serums.
  5. Moisturize: You wouldn’t build a home and not apply a coat of paint to protect the outside walls, so think of a great hydrating moisturizer as doing the same for your skin.  A Moisturizer most definitely moisturizes, but it’s also important because it protects the skin from the outside elements, lending a more youthful appearance for years to come.  Dry, parched skin is aging so make sure to choose a well-formulated moisturizer to help protect your skin throughout the day and night.  Don’t forget your eye treatment…the delicate eye area requires something rich so choose one that contains moisture binding properties such as Vitamin E, Hyaluronic Acid and Peptides, just to name a few.

Following these 5 simple steps daily will help take your skin to the next level.  Reach out and let me know what OZN® does for your skin!

Learn more by taking our skincare quiz: https://www.oznaturals.com/pages/skin-care-quiz
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