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3 Skin-Healing Tricks to Take You Into the New Year

by John Molina 21 Dec 2021

Why wait for New Years Day to get your skincare routine together? Give yourself and your skin a head start by beginning your skin-healing journey now so that you can establish your perfect routine today and take it with you into 2022.

If you’re looking to tackle your skincare struggles during the last few weeks of the year, here is our ultimate guide to giving your skin the boost it needs beforehand. These tips will reveal a gorgeous complexion in no time, setting the tone for your best year yet.

How to Help Your Skin Heal Before the New Year

Remove Barriers to Product Absorption

While daily cleansing is essential for day-to-day skincare, exfoliation is too often overlooked for the importance it plays in overall skin health. You should only exfoliate two to three times a week for best results and to avoid irritation.

By gently scrubbing away dry, flakey skin as well as any dead cells on the face, you’re eliminating any barriers to nourishing products. By doing this, you’re ensuring the top layer of skin is fresh and primed to properly absorb all your serums, gels, moisturizers, and other creams and oils.

Treat Skin Irritations

Now is the time to take control of any issues your skin is causing you. Whether you struggle with discoloration and inflammation or you have regular acne breakouts, it’s essential to find products that help treat and perfect the skin. Every skin type can benefit from a balancing toner, antioxidant-enriched serum, and herbal moisturizer to calm and smooth the skin.

Plus vitamin C products will manage and minimize discoloration, texture, and scars to reveal a brighter complexion. With daily use of a powerful vitamin C serum, you’ll see your skin balance out and glow from within.

Protect Your Skin from the Environment

You can do all the healing work you want, but it will only be effective and long-lasting if you protect your skin from the outside elements. While a daily dose of vitamin D and fresh air always does your skin and mood some good, you also need to prep accordingly.

Add a daily 30SPF to your skincare routine, and make sure it is the final step of your skincare routine to create a fool-proof barrier. Plus, zinc and niacinamide products will also work to protect the skin and aid in healing damage from irritating skin conditions.

With all these tips in your back pocket, you’re ready to set your skin up for success as you wrap up the year. And you’ll be creating lasting results that only transform for the better into the new year. Make 2022 the year you put yourself first by prioritizing your personal care, beginning with your skin.

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