La vita naturale

How Does Skin Type Affect Your Skincare?

Today, the skin care market is flooded with products that are uber targeted, which is great for solving skin care issues but creates a bit of a mess when trying to decide which products are best for your skin. You’ll find skin care products for dry skin that’s caused by environmental factors, like the...

Why Use a Hydrating Face Mask?

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but hydrating face masks are having a bit of a moment right now. While the hydrating face mask trend is huge, you don’t want to jump on the bandwagon without being properly informed. It’s always best to do as much research as possible about your skincare products before...

Your Guide to End of Summer Skincare

As we approach the end of summer and the beginning of shorter fall days, many of us find ourselves taking every opportunity to get outside and soak up as many of those last rays of the summer sun as possible. There are so many ways that moderate amounts of sunshine are good for you....

L'acido glicolico è sicuro?

Trovare ottimi prodotti per la cura della pelle che siano sia super efficaci che sicuri per la tua pelle può essere una sfida. Sembra che ad ogni turno sentiamo parlare di come questo o quello sia dannoso per la nostra pelle, o anche peggio, pericoloso per la nostra salute generale. È abbastanza per farti...

Benefici folli delle bacche di goji per la pelle

La storia delle bacche di Goji La bacca di goji è recentemente diventata un noto superalimento che ha dimostrato di avere una serie di incredibili benefici per la salute. Sebbene la bacca di goji abbia guadagnato popolarità solo di recente, è stata utilizzata per molte generazioni per migliorare la carnagione della pelle, trattare una...

Glycolic Acid: A Must for the Skin

Sometimes it seems that no matter how hard we try, our skin is never on the same page as we are. Acne strikes just when it’s time for the family holiday photo, or fine lines and wrinkles sneak up on you as your class reunion approaches. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine as...

Is Body Moisturizer Really Necessary?

You’ve got a lot on your plate, and there are certain things that just don’t seem to make it onto your radar as important daily priorities. You make time for personal care and a solid skincare routine but applying a body moisturizer every single day is a step that maybe just doesn’t always make...